Ingrosso Fusion
Extension Capelli

Le extension capelli cheratina, note anche come extension per capelli a fusione, sono legate ai capelli con un metodo ciocca per ciocca.

Ciò consente un movimento naturale dei capelli a 360 gradi. La ciocca di extension a fusione dei capelli viene attaccata ai capelli sciogliendo la punta di colla con il calore. Il raffreddamento crea una presa solida sulla ciocca di capelli naturali di chi le indossa.

Queste extension sono dotate di legami di cheratina non dannosi, morbidi e opachi. Sono estremamente personalizzabili, possono essere tagliate in qualsiasi misura e possono essere utilizzate per allungare, infoltire e aggiungere variazioni di colore ai capelli naturali di chi le indossa.

Le extension capelli cheratina sono il metodo più duraturo (in media possono essere tenute per 3-5 mesi) e possono essere utilizzate da una a tre volte sostituendo i legami di cheratina. Il risultato è un’estensione naturale discreta, confortevole e perfettamente dritta, che si miscela perfettamente con i capelli naturali della cliente.

Le extension New Times Hair a fusione sono realizzate con capelli umani 100% Remy e sono lussuosamente spesse dalla radice alla punta.

Questo metodo di installazione è perfetto per tutti gli stili, sia che le clienti scelgano di portare i capelli raccolti o sciolti.

Ci sono infinite combinazioni di colori e diverse lunghezze tra cui scegliere!

Aiutate le vostre signore a realizzare le acconciature dei loro sogni con le nostre extension a fusione dei capelli all’ingrosso di alta qualità a prezzi convenienti esclusivamente da New Times Hair!

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Cosa sono le extension a fusione dei capelli ?

Fusion hair extension, also called keratin fusion, keratin bond, or keratin tip hair extension, is a hair extension method used especially by professionals. There are two methods of fusion hair extensions, including hot fusion and cold fusion.


Hot fusion hair extension is one of the oldest hair extension methods. It is a bunch of hair strands with some solidified glue at the connecting end.

A heat gun, a fusion connector, will then be used to melt the glue to allow the extension to melt and fuse with the wearer’s natural hair strand. The keratin bond will solidify after a few seconds to hold the natural hair and the extension together.

U-tip hair extensions, v-tip hair extensions, flat tip hair extensions, k-tip hair extensions, etc., are the most typical hot fusion hair extensions in the market.


Compared to hot fusions, cold fusion is a relatively new method that does not require heating during the application.
It is applied by weaving hair strands into the micro link of the hair extensions.
Micro link, nano link, and i-tip extensions are some typical cold fusion methods.

Come applicare le extension per capelli a fusione calda

The extensions are to be attached and stuck with keratin melted several millimeters from the root of the client’s hair. Fusion hair extensions usually last for around six months. This installation will not damage the wearer’s hair if a professional stylist does it.

1. To install K-tip hair extensions, your client’s hair should be at least 5 inches (12.7 cm) long to make the attaching points visible. The extensions are applied 5mm from the wearer’s scalp.
2. Make the Preparation rows. Pick a thin strand of natural hair using the tail of the comb.
Insert the lock of natural hair into the template circle to protect the scalp.
3. Use a hot extension iron to heat the pre-tipped extensions to your client’s natural hair. The hair is to be fixed to the original lock expansion on the melting point of keratin.
4. When the keratin is no longer transparent, you need to roll it between your fingers so the extension and the client’s natural hair will bond.
5. Repeat the same steps above to put the locks all over the head.
6. In the end, brush the client’s hair lightly to allow natural hair and extensions to mix well.

Quanto durano le extension a fusione dei capelli?

The hair extension bonds will go down as hair grows longer. Every 3–4 months, the wearer must return to the salon for reinstallation and to replace the bonds.

Our Remy hair fusion hair extensions can be used for up to a year if the wearer follows the instructions and takes care of them properly.

Le extension di fusione rovinano i capelli della mia cliente?

In linea di massima, quasi tutti i metodi di estensione dei capelli, se applicati in modo appropriato, non danneggiano i capelli di chi li indossa. Tuttavia, il metodo delle extension per capelli a fusione prevede l’uso di colla e pistola termica, quindi consigliamo di farle applicare solo da parrucchieri certificati.

Quanto costano le extension per capelli a fusione/cheratina?

As one of the oldest hair extension methods, the keratin fusion hair extension method will set your client back between $300 – $1000 (with an average of $550) plus the hair cost, roughly $200. And they have to be reset at a salon every three months. There’s also the option of cold-fusion hair extensions. These will last the wearer even longer.

How much does it cost to get fusion hair extensions?
Fusion hair extensions, as a technical term, also known as “pre-bonded hair extensions,” are favored by many celebrities. Being one of the oldest hair extension methods, they are still used by hair extension technicians. 

Many types of fusion hair extensions, with price ranging from $200-$1,000
It’s hard to give a clear price range for fusion hair extensions because there are many types of fusion hair extensions. Fusion hair extensions include many subcategories, such as glue-ins, bonded extensions, and all kinds of nano and microbead, link, or loop hair extension systems. If we have to give a price range, fusion hair extensions can cost from $200 to $1,000, plus the installation cost paid to a salon.

Cold fusion method could cost less without heating up adhesive:
Some stylists use the “cold fusion” method. This term refers to hair extensions that don’t require heating and melting adhesive, even I-Tip or micro link hair extensions. However, new application systems such as the Cold Fusion system use ultrasonic machine irons to bond hair extensions to the wearer’s hair without heating it up and melting it. It is less damaging but likely costs more.

Sono meglio le extension a nastro o a fusione?

Solo ciò che risponde alle esigenze della cliente è la soluzione migliore. Dipende dal tipo di capelli della cliente e dal suo obiettivo di indossare le extension per capelli. Per una posa facile e veloce, scegliete le extension a nastro Se i capelli sono sottili o fragili, scegliete le tape-in! Ma supponiamo che abbiate già una testa piena di capelli folti e rigogliosi e che abbia problemi con la stratificazione. In questo caso, le extension a fusione di cheratina potrebbero essere una soluzione migliore per voi.

Si può nuotare con le extension per capelli a fusione?

Sì, è possibile. Le extension per capelli possono essere bagnate senza problemi. Ma non si possono lasciare le extension a mollo nell’acqua per troppo tempo.

È necessario risciacquare e asciugare i legami delle extension per capelli non appena si esce dalla piscina o dal mare. Questo eviterà che i legami si danneggino e compromettano l’aspetto delle vostre lunghe e bellissime extension.

Pro e contro delle extension a fusione dei capelli

Starting with the pros:

Safe: the bonds of the fusion extensions are made from keratin glue. It does not harm the scalp, especially to those whose scalp is sensitive.

Universal suitability: fusion hair extensions are suitable for everyone. All hair types can use it, be it curly, straight, wavy, etc. All hair colors can use it, be it blonde, brunette, black, etc. With appropriate hair type and structure and professional application, fusion hair extensions can even be used to extend short and thin hair.

Convenience: there’s no discomfort if adequately selected and attached. Your client will feel it as part of her own natural hair.

Durability: Following the professional hair stylist’s advice to take good care of it, fusion hair extension should last her up to 9-12 months.

Versatility: Keratin fusion hair extensions could be used to make any hairstyle: braids, ponytails, curls, or get the curls straightened like before.

Looking perfectly real: No one can tell she is wearing them. They just blend into her natural hair perfectly. Today, she can even choose the keratin glue color matching the color of her natural hair.

There’s hardly anything perfect. Here are some downsides to fusion hair extensions. Now let’s talk about the cons of fusion hair extensions: 

Takes longer to apply and remove: The application of fusion hair extensions depends significantly on your client’s hairstylist’s skill and experience. It takes about 3-4 hours to apply it. How much material she uses and her stylist’s skill level also affect the durability of the hair extension. Also, it takes quite some time to remove the extension. She needs to rebond it every 3-4 months. Each application will take at least an hour, as she did the first time.

Not so easy to apply: Fusion hair extensions are not designed to be installed personally at home. The user should always get it installed by professional hairstylists.

Your client has to keep the hair extension away from high temperatures at all times. Your client must be very cautious whenever they use a blow dryer or curling iron, ensuring their hot surface does not touch or get too close to the keratin bonds to melt them.

Discomfort: Some female users have said that it usually takes them a few days or months to get used to this product. There have also been several reports of itchiness and headaches. We recommend micro keratin bonds, which are easy on your client’s hair that she can hardly feel them being there. Again, the installation depends significantly on the stylist’s skill level. Your client can get headaches or other complex sensations if not correctly installed. The main reason is that the extensions are attached too close to the scalp, which creates extra tension that pulls against your client’s natural hair and could potentially weaken the roots of her natural hair, leading to hair loss.

More time and effort are required to care for and maintain fusion hair extensions: your client should avoid using oil-based hair products, which may weaken the keratin bonds, causing hair loss. Also, if she rubs too hard when washing her hair or combes it too hard, the extension may become less glossy, and she will start losing more hair. 

How to order wholesale fusion hair extensions at New Times Hair

Seguite i semplici passaggi per iniziare il nostro programma di vendita all’ingrosso di extension per capelli a fusione e consultate i nostri prezzi all’ingrosso per le extension per capelli disponibili.
Passaggio 1: Compilate il nostro modulo di richiesta di vendita all’ingrosso di extension per capelli a fusione.
Passaggio 2: Il nostro team esaminerà e approverà la vostra richiesta e vi invierà un account registrato per la vendita all’ingrosso.
Passaggio 3: Accedi con l’account che ti abbiamo fornito e potrai iniziare ad acquistare extension per capelli all’ingrosso online con il nostro prezzo esclusivo per gli ordini all’ingrosso.


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